Kraków 2023-08-08
Passenger wagons type 111Arow. 2003.
Wagons of the “Y” series, type 111Arow, are actually not a type of wagon, because it does not describe the structural features of the wagon, but rather gives its additional purpose, i.e. the transport of bicycles. In addition, we can distinguish several groups of these wagons, which are marked as type 111Arow. This is due to the reconstruction carried out in various production plants, and on the basis of various “Y” series wagons.
In 2003-2004, the NEWAG plant modernized 10 wagons ordered by PolRegio (Przewozy Regionalne). 5 wagons of type 111Aw (numbers 50 51 84-78 …), 5 cars of type 111As (50 51 84-70 …) were intended for conversion. There is only one toilet in the car, and at the expense of space after the second toilet, hangers for bicycles or skis have been placed. Classic revolving doors have been left in the cars. The car has no compartments, has 60 seats, 12 bicycle hangers, one toilet, and supply heating. In 2009, all these cars were taken over by InterCity.
In 2005, another 20 carriages were rebuilt at PESA plants. Wagons of type 111Ac, which have rounded bottom edges of the body, were reconstructed. 20 wagons were reconstructed, No.: 50 51 84-78 006-0, 50 51 84-78 007-8, 50 51 84-78 008-6, 50 51 84-78 009-4, 50 51 84-78 010- 2, 50 51 84-78 011-0, 50 51 84-78 012-8, 50 51 84-78 013-6, 50 51 84-78 014-4, 50 51 84-78 015-1, 50 51 84 -78 016-9, 50 51 84-78 017-7, 50 51 84-78 018-5, 0 51 84-78 019-3, 50 51 84-78 020-1, 50 51 84-78 021-9 , 50 51 84-78 022-7, 50 51 84-78 023-5, 50 51 84-78 024-3, 50 51 84-78 025-0. In the wagons there is; 72 seats, one toilet, 6 bike racks, air conditioning. Rectangular windows with sharp corners were glued to the sides of the wagon. The wagons were designated series B9nopuvz “Y” type 111Arow.
In 2008-2009, another 45 wagons were modernized to type 111Arow, series B9nopuvz. In 2013, another 10 copies were modernized. Sliding doors are installed in them, the windows are with rounded corners, covers have been added below the car’s underframe, the B9nopuvz series has been designated. In the period 2014-2015, another 35 copies were modernized. The wagons were designated B7nopuvz series (18 wagons) and B7bnopuz series (17 wagons). The “b” in the series stands for – wheelchair accessible – but was still typed 111Arow. Currently (2023), all wagons are in the service of PKP InterCity.
Wagon “Y” 111Arow, B9nopuvz, 50 51 84-78 014-4. Grade 2.

The Class 2 car was built at the PESA plant in 2005. The car has no compartments and can accommodate 72 seats. The passenger compartment has seats arranged in a 2+2 arrangement with a passage through the middle of the car. From the middle of the carriage, the seats face the nearest entrance. That is, half of the seats are installed in the direction of movement of the car, and the other half in the opposite direction. At the expense of four passenger seats, racks for larger suitcases were installed at the door to the compartment. Smaller luggage can be placed on a metal shelf, mounted along the side of the wagon, above the windows. Each passenger has a fold-out table in front of him. Roller sun blinds are installed in the windows of the wagon. Every second window is equipped with a small tilt window. The door to the compartment is opened with a button (electric-pneumatic system). The wagon is well soundproofed and thermally insulated. The walls are lined with plastic panels. The vents were installed under the windows.
There are vestibules at both ends of the carriage. In one vestibule there is a toilet with a closed system, hangers for three bicycles, a revolving door and a door for passing to the next car. There is no toilet in the second vestibule, and in its place there is an electrical and control cabinet. In winter, bicycle racks can be used for transporting skis.
Most of the car’s systems and systems were placed under the car’s underframe, but were not covered with profiled panels. A large bicycle pictogram was placed outside the car. Passenger information screens and an audio system for messages given by the conductor team were installed in the car. The wagon is designed for a maximum speed of 160 km/h.
Wagon “Y” 111Arow, B7nopuvz, 61 51 84-70 076-8. Grade 2.

The car is Class 2, it is a non-compartment car, has 60 seats, there are 12 bicycle hangers (places No. 77, 78, 84, 87 are for people with bicycles), there are separate ski racks, there is air conditioning, 230 V sockets, there are two toilets in a closed system. All bicycle and ski racks are placed in one vestibule, which is large at the expense of fewer seats. The wagon is equipped with a rebound-sliding door, which is opened with a button and an electro-pneumatic system. Guards were installed below the wagon’s underframe. The roof is grooved.
The car was built in 1986 and modernized in 2015. In 2018, the wagon had a value of PLN 4,590,000.
Written by Karol Placha Hetman